When I have anytime, usually after ten at night when I am too tired to paint I will try & keep you updated on what we are upto.

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» Listings for June 2012

  1. We are attending the Arley Garden festival this weekend, well my other half is. I am a fair weather craft seller I just could not face the rain & the mud & the three hour drive with the kids, sometimes it is just nice to be at home doing nothing. We have alot of shows coming up so I am really enjoying a lazy weekend.


    I have just made a new heart design especially for the Lakeland Rose Show in a few weeks time, loads of dog lover's attend to see the dog agility show so I hope this will be a good seller, but often what happens is I will not sell any, then at the next show they will sell out.

    You never can tell from one show to the next.