When I have anytime, usually after ten at night when I am too tired to paint I will try & keep you updated on what we are upto.

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» Listings for November 2011

  1. 8.11.11 055

    I do like to keep my customers happy but I am not sure if they get a little too much enjoyment from pointing out my spelling mistakes.  I get so engrossed in my designs I forget about the spelling & it is not exactly my strong point. Anyway we all know that Santa is "Super" & most really small children cannot spell "Supper" so what's the problem?

    Years ago when I worked on designs for Umbro I did get told off more than once for doing designs with "Umbro Sprot" instead of "Umbro Sport" but I cannot be good at everything & I never did like sport.

    We are attending Brockbushes at the moment & it is going well despite all the gloom & doom on the news. As usual we are running low on "Granddaughter" items & we never make enough Christmas plates & gift tags. We will be in a mad rush to get ready for Blenhiem next week so I had better keep the spell checker handy!